Ageing Well in Southwark - Age friendly Cities

Closed 6 Aug 2023

Opened 7 Jun 2023


Southwark has taken active steps to become an age-friendly place. From silver sessions at our leisure centres, to wonderful services offering opportunities to have fun and socialise, and we want to continue to build on this work.  

Please take some time to fill out the short survey below and help us to understand how you view the age-friendliness of the borough.

We believe if we make Southwark a better place for older people, we make it better for everyone!

What is an age-friendly borough, city or world?

When we talk about an Age-friendly Borough we are describing a place where all people are able to live healthy and active later lives. Where it is possible for people to continue to stay living in their homes, participate in the activities that they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes eight topic areas (domains) that can help us to identify and address barriers to the well-being and participation of older people. Please see the image below;

Age friendly cities and communities logo and themes

These 8 domains all overlap and interact with each other. For example, how much we respect older people is reflected in how accessible our public buildings and spaces are and in the range of opportunities that the borough offers to older people for social participation, entertainment, volunteering or employment.

If you would like to find out more about the 8 domains and age-friendly work happening across the UK please visit: UK Network of Age-friendly Communities | Centre for Ageing Better (

Why your views matter

Despite all the positives we’re aware there are still challenges. To address these challenges we need to understand your experiences and hear your ideas. Even if you are not an older person yourself you may have ageing family or friends and useful contributions to make.

Please share this link with your friends, family and contacts – the more people we hear from, the better informed our work will be. We often receive fewer responses to online surveys from Black and other minoritised communities so we are especially keen to hear from you.

What happens next

Once the consultation is closed and the results analysed, we will plan how to make inprovements and make Southwark a more age friendly borough over the coming years. If you would like further information or involvement in this consultation please ensure to leave your email address or telephone number and a sentence to let us know you are interested in being further involved in this initiative.

Many thanks for your participation.



  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Older People