Rennie Estate Proposed Improvements

Closed 1 Dec 2019

Opened 15 Nov 2019


As part of the new homes project for Rennie Estate, the project team is proposing the following estate improvements for the benefit of the whole community so that all residents can benefit from the new homes development.

These proposals are based on suggestions received by some residents and ideas from landscape architects. We would like to make these improvements to the estate so that everyone can enjoy and make use of them.

We believe the items below are required in the estate but please let us know what you think.


Map of Rennie Estate

Why your views matter

We would like to know what the residnets on the Rennie Estate think about these proposed imporovements, are they needed, will they be used and are they in the best locations.



  • South Bermondsey


  • All residents


  • Housing