Investing in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe

Closed 26 Mar 2018

Opened 1 Mar 2018

Results expected 21 Jun 2018

Feedback expected 25 Jun 2018


We want to know how you would like us to spend the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds that we are collecting from developments in the area.

CIL has largely replaced the s106 payments the Council received to mitigate the impact of new development in the area.

There are some fundamental differences between CIL and s106. These are:

  • We are able to pool resources from a range of developments so we are able to invest in substantial change if that is what we wish to do
  • The money does not have to be spent close to the development making the payments
  • The way we spend the money must be used to support development in the area
  • The funds need to be spent on new infrastructure rather fixing existing infrastructure

Up to 70% of the funds we receive will be spent on large projects such as new schools, health facilities and transport related projects which will effect the whole of the area, but about 25% can be spent on local projects.

Why your views matter


There are two things we would like to know:

  1. What would be your priorities for the larger infrastructure projects in the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe area
  2. What sort of projects would you like to see us spend money on in your local ward

Throughout the year we will collect ideas on projects and use the information you provide to prioritise spending in your ward.

The ideas suggested will be approved by your Community Council and the Cabinet will decide on the how the money will be spent based on these recommendations.

What happens next

There will be workshops about CIL expenditure in your wards at Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council 21 March 2018

The results of this consultation will be announced at the following Community Council meeting on Summer 2018.



  • Rotherhithe
  • South Bermondsey
  • Surrey Docks


  • All residents


  • Communities