Timed Waste Collections around Camberwell Town Centre

Closed 26 Jan 2020

Opened 16 Dec 2019

Feedback updated 30 Mar 2020

We asked

What time of day are you able to leave waste out for collection in the morning and evening?

You said

  • In the morning between 8am and 9am
  • In the evening between 6pm and 7pm

We did

  • We listened to the views expressed by residents and businesses
  • We will use the most popular suggestions (as above) for the Camberwell Town Centre scheme
  • As with other areas that benefit from the scheme, there will be no waste or large commercial waste bins on the streets of Camberwell Town Centre for most of each day
  • These arrangement will make the area cleaner and more pleasant for everyone


Southwark Council has made the decision to postpone the roll-out of the timed waste collection scheme to Camberwell in response to the current impact COVID-19 (coronavirus) is having.

The current government advice is for non-essential businesses to close and for people to stay at home unless they are travelling for the reasons given in the guidance. It is essential for us as a council to follow the government advice regarding staff, and the stay at home requirement, in order to limit the spread of the virus.


People have told us there is too much rubbish in the streets around Camberwell Town Centre. We want to work with businesses and residents to make it cleaner for everyone who lives, works and shops in the area.

We are planning to introduce a scheme to manage when rubbish and recycling sacks are left out for collection. This means rubbish and recycling can only be left out at a set time and is collected shortly afterwards. It also means that trade waste bins will have to be removed from the pavement.

Below is a map that shows the streets (and parts of streets) that we propose are part of the scheme.

At the moment there are no set times for waste collection so there is waste on the pavement most of the time. If we bring in this new scheme, streets will be clear of waste sacks most of the time and clear of trade waste bins at all times. It will also mean that we can sweep the streets throughout the day, creating a better street environment for everyone.

The FAQ document below provides more detail about how the scheme will work.

Why your views matter

We want to find out the times when it is most convenient for you to leave waste out for collection and what you think about the scheme. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


  • Camberwell Green


  • All residents
  • Businesses


  • Environment
  • Local Economy and Business