Statement of Community Involvement and Development Consultation Charter (2021) Consultation

Closed 23 Mar 2022

Opened 14 Dec 2021


We are currently consulting on new versions of our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Development Consultation Charter (DCC).

Draft Statement of Community Involvement (December 2021)

The Statement of Community Involvement is an important planning document that defines how and when local residents, community groups and stakeholders can be involved in the planning process; both when new planning policy documents are prepared or when consultation is carried out on planning applications for new development.

We want to ensure that all those who live, work, study, worship and volunteer in the borough can be involved in local planning decisions and have the opportunity to collaborate on the preparation of our plans and strategies that shape the places in our borough.

The new draft SCI has been informed by the engagement principles set out in the council's Approach to Community Engagement. (pdf, 1.8mb)

Draft Development Consultation Charter (December 2021)

As part of SCI, the new draft Development Consultation Charter sets out how members of the community can expect to be consulted by applicants/developers at different stages of the planning application process. In particular, new consultation requirements that must be carried out before an application has been submitted to the council. The requirements of the DCC will be used in the validation of pre-application requests and planning applications for major and strategic applications.

These consultation requirements also extend to council-led development.


Public consultation will take place for twelve weeks from 14 December 2021 to 23rd March 2022. 

Why your views matter

We want to hear from as many people as possible on how we can continue to develop both documents so that we can continue to improve and enhance the planning experience for the community.

(Links to the documents will be at the bottom of the consultation hub).


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • All Interests